Here at DogPAC, the political paw of the Virtual Church of the Blind Chihuahua, we want better law and public policy, which leads us to cross from faith to activism, just like many other congregations. We even have a statement of faith-based political philosophy. We are fed up with a political spectrum mis-shaped by Liberals and Conservatives who have more in common than they want to admit. In contrast to their polarizing and short-sighted policies, we offer our own DogPAC Political Platform. We do all this because:
The Left wants government to reach into our wallets.
The Right wants government to reach into our underwear.
The Center can't even reach a consensus.
Armed with the courage to look foolish in public and our half-baked legislative agenda at left — a work in progress, your participation is welcome — we yap at the land we love. Please click through the links at left, and let us and your elected representatives know what you think. After all, democracy is not a spectator sport.
May our leadership be worthy of our followership and tolerant of our ridicule. And may our politicians, pundits and reporters be more committed to the truth than to the asylum.
So far, the difference between our major political parties has been like the difference between dung and excrement - one may sound better than the other, but they smell the same.
Featured Rants
Madness in their Method
Li'l Johnnie's Jihad/Hirabah Page
Political Delusions
Useful Deaths
Retreat, Defeat, Cowardice and Treason
And here is our political webguide: