Leaving so soon? You are now looking at the outside of the Blind Chihuahua.
Outside. Consider any part of the world outside your mind, a rock, a cloud, your own body. The atoms in it were made twice — once in the big bang beginning of the Universe which made hydrogen and helium, and again in the thermonuclear furnace of a star (or stars), which burned the hydrogen and helium into all the other elements before it (or they) exploded, scattering the new elements until they coalesced into new stars and planets — among them our earth and our sun.
And the earth was a giant pile of dry rocks until a Mars-sized body struck it, melting them both into a rapidly spinning dumbell shape that broke into our present earth and moon. The melting through of the earth gave us a world with a crust of rocks floating on a sea of magma above an iron core — a planet with plate tectonics that recycles its crust, liberating the carbon dioxide that would otherwise be pulled out of the atmosphere by the sea and deposited on its floor as carbonate rock, leaving us cold and barren, like the seismically quiet Mars. Earthquakes and volcanoes are earth's respiration.
Improbably, the earth has formed in such a way as not only to give rise to life, but to sustain it. Many catastrophes shaped the earth after the dawn of life in order to produce an atmosphere containing free oxygen, and to mold its flora and fauna so as provide a place congenial to the continued existence of ourselves — creatures without any specialties other than athletic endurance, nimble fingers, and a capacity for abstract reasoning which we encode in speech.
It is so improbable that I wonder if there is not some kind co-evolution of matter and spirit going on, each influencing the other, and both guided to an extent that, the Biblical image of God hand-making Humanity out of clay without benefit of even a potter's wheel captures it as well as any image can.
Wondrous thing, life in the world. And painful, too. But without pain, would we take life seriously, would we fully engage, or would we treat it as a game with morality merely an intellectual pastime? Would we waste our time here, because no matter what, it isn't going to hurt?
Such a torrent of ideas from the thought of outside! Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel was right when he said that all creation alludes to the presence of the Creator.
Speaking of outside, here are links to some exceptional places. Each opens a second window, which may hide this VCBC window. This enables you to use this page as an internet guide.
First, here is a list of sites that link to us!
Skepticism — The Doorway of Doubt, through which some of us have come to faith.
- The Secular Web, with which our Resident Skeptic affiliated.
- Atheists for Jesus Christianity without God, the Teachings of Jesus without the Teacher.
- American Ethical Union: The Virtual Ethical Society
- Walk Away, a support forum for those leaving Fundamentalism.
Christianity — The Way of the Cross, for those of us who are called to come and follow:
- Links have moved to our Christianity page. See also our Chapel.
Sister Parishes — Real and Virtual Congregations, many with links to VCBC!
- Cyber churches a list thereof.
- Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch, Malabar Rite
- National Council of Churches
- Christopher Heath's Sermons.
- Unitarian Universalist Association.
- Baruch Ha Shem Messianic Congregation
- United Church of Christ.
- Anglicans Online featured a link to VCBC! See their Odds and Ends.
- Claves Regni, the ezine of St. Peter's Church of Nottingham, England.
- Wellsprings a Catholic site in the UK.
- The Monastery of Christ in the Desert
- Wesley United Methodist Church, Minneapolis, MN - A Reconciling Congregation
- Sea of Faith Network
- The Taizé Community prayer, song, meditation in 14 languages.
- The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, publisher of The Lutheran, and most liberal of the Lutheran synods in America — they have female pastors. Since our Pooper Scooper is Lutheran, they're stuck with us.
- The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod more conservative than the ELCA - male pastors only.
- Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod the most conservative of the Lutheran churches in America.
- Order of St. Chiros, a Christian Science Fiction and Fantasy fan club.
- The Liberal Christian Network
- Wider Fellowship of Martha and Mary and Eldad and Medad support for those called to religious vocations, but rejected by their denominations.
Religion and Intellectual Life — When enter into faith, bring your brains.
- Association for Religion and Intellectual Life lists VCBC as one of their "Hot Sites!"
- The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences of The Graduate Theological Union
- Institute for Religion in an Age of Science
- Zygon Center for Religion and Science
- Internet Sacred Text Archive
- Arnold Neumaier, an Austrian mathematician, has interesting pages:
- Fellowship of Scientists, a community of scientists to share Christian fellowship with one another.
- Faith & Reason Ministries
- Faith and Reason by PBS!
- Society, Religion and Technology Project
- The Science, Technology & Faith Working Group
- Big Questions Online: Science, Religion, Markets, Morals
- The American Scientific Affiliation
- DIALOGOS an Interactive Journal of the Sciences, Philosophy, and Theology.
- Center for Islam and Science
- The Universe Beyond - an Islamic perspective by Navid Masud and friends.
- Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists
- Psychology of Religion, by Michael Nielsen, PhD
- The Vatican Observatory where the Catholic church tracks developments in science for the faithful.
- Does God Exist? uses reason to make the leap of faith seem smaller.
- The John Templeton Foundation, which gives a kind of "Nobel Prize" for significant contributions to religion.
- Lambert Dolphin, a phellow physicist, has resources for the more phundamental.
- A Christian ThinkTank. A hardline version of C. S. Lewis.
- Mystae. For profit site by Richard Shand (artist, writer, Vietnam vet, and more.)
- Christian Reconstruction anti-fundamentalism by Paul Thibodeau.
- Westar Institute (home of the Jesus Seminar, which re-invents God in its own image.)
- Word Trade religion and philosophy book reviews.
- Intelligent Design as a Theory of Information and the Design Inference Website. Whereas so-called "Creation Science" distorts both Faith and Science by denying Reality, Dembski and others look for evidence that aspects of the Universe may be here by design rather than chance. So far, their approach has been a failure.
Religion and Public Life — The church and society.
- The Foundation for Community Encouragement founded by M. Scott Peck, M.D., to foster civility and peace.
- Religion in Politics
- Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life
- Faith in Public Life
- The American Religious Experience.
- Ethics and Public Policy Center
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Center
- Interfaith Working Group
- ALTERNATIVES for Simple Living decommercializing Christianity.
- The Simon Wiesenthal Center, defending the right of Jews to be Jews.
- See VCBC's own DOGPAC subsite and its Human Rights page.
- Culture Wars 101 A good start, but hasn't been updated since 1998.
- Links have moved to our School.
World Religions — Take off your cultural blinders and see your own faith with new eyes.
- The Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance.
- Virtual Religion Index
- World Wisdom, and Serious Seekers, both portals to the Sophia Perrenis, or Perennial Wisdom, recommended by Ahmed Monib.
- Beliefnet — a portal to world religions and spirituality.
- The Zoo Fence — non-sectarian spirituality.
- Explore Faith — faith and spirituality in many religions.
- Sikhism Home Page. Excellent info, great production values, but slow loading.
- Avesta a Zoroastrian site, with online texts of the Gathas, etc.
- Exploring Ancient World Cultures Electronic Text Index
- The Epic of Gilgamesh - Sumerian
- Our pages on Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Baha'i, Hinduism and Buddhism.
Religious Humor — The church satirized and winked at.
- Betty Bowers is a Better Christian Than You
- Landover Baptist: America's Favorite Church
- Churches ad hoc: Offbeat photographs. Very funny, and good for the soul.
- Families for Learning Accurate Theories. Now that Kansas has outlawed evolution, only outlaws will evolve!
- The Wittenburg Door an e-zine of Christian satire.
- Ship of Fools: the Magazine of Christian Unrest
- Our Lady of Malted Barley and Hops.
- And of course, there is VCBC's Restroom.
Intellectual & Spiritual Experiences
- Places to get online graduate education
- Places to become a Master of Divinity
- Burning Man — an annual week of secular/pagan participatory performance art and nudity in the desert. Recommended by some physicists we know, and several journalists seem to have had a good time.
- Killing the Buddha bills itself as spirituality for the non-religious.
- Sojourners one of the intellectual beacons of liberal Christianity
- Relevant Magazine God, Life, and Progressive Culture
- The Ooze — conversation for the journey. Postmodern Christianity.
- First Things the intellectual beacon of conservative Christianity.
- OLAM the "lite" side of Judaism, complete with 30-second "soul bites."
- Religion News Service
- Orthodox America
- Semper Reformanda, a conservative ever-reforming Lutheran Journal.
- Crosswalk.com - Christian search, Email, News, Music, Chat & more.
- Minnesota Christian Chronicle has a link to VCBC.
- The Utne Reader - great articles, invites readers to join in "think-offs."
- Emergency.com - Crisis, Conflict, and Emergency Service news, analysis, & reference information.
- Slashdot:News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters.
- Science News Online
- OpinionJournal - from The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page
- andrewsullivan.com Commentary by a conservative Catholic homosexual.
- Black Voices
- Congressional Black Caucus
- About.com: Race Relations
- Recommended African American Web Sites
- About.com has well-selected and reviewed links to almost anything, including Christianity.
- BUBL LINK Catalogue of Selected Internet Resources
- Christian Mystics by Brian Robertson. Non-fundamentalist web guide and e-zine.
- Elizabeth T. Knuth's Homepage an extensive collections of well-selected links.
- Finding God in Cyberspace, a collection of links for academic religion and theology.
- James J. O'Donnell, links by a Professor of Classical Studies at the University of Pennsylvania.
- RefDesk.com, a place to find just about anything.
- Philosophical Services, the philosophy portal.
- Episteme Links: Philosophy Resources on the Internet
- ReligiousResources.org, by Susan Brumbaugh, PhD.
- Religious Worlds
- Voice of the Shuttle humanities links for serious scholarship.
- Foreign Languages for Travelers see it spelled and hear it spoken in over 70 languages!
- Atlas of Cyberspaces.
- Bartlett, John. 1901. Familiar Quotations
- Bibliomania
- Encyclopedia Mythica
- Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary
- The Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce
- Darwin Awards
- Urban Legends Reference Pages
- The Underground Grammarian - Richard Mitchell
- The Internet Movie Database.
- Photographs and photography tutorials by David Price.
- Digital Library Projects. Don't just take our word for it, read the originals!
- Project Gutenberg. The project attempting to put the world's great literature online.
- Questia Online Library.
- RecipeSource at UC Berkeley.
- Career links: Monster, Careerbuilder, Dice, Jobs, Net-Temps, HotJobs.
- Edmund's Used Car Prices
- Find A Grave
Health of MindBodySpirit
- 'The Jester Has Lost His Jingle' by David Saltzman
- Mental Health. Compulsively leftist, but may be useful.
- Green Language ideas on how to say what you mean.
- Centers for Disease Control
- Healthgrades — physician, hospital, nursing home ratings
- Merck Manual Online
- American Heart Association
- Mayo Clinic
- Medline Plus
- Food and Drug Administration
- WebMD
- www.onesalt.com
- Prembone Pages — gone but not forgotten.
- Virushead — offers Advice to Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses and much more.
- Alt Concepts by Joe Kissell, a Mennonite member of VCBC.
- Bruce Neufeld, and his NeufeldPhoto.com
- Liberalis, the Liberal Christian Homepage.
- John Mark Ministries of Australia.
- Unseen Images
- Palmetto Bay Photography
- Green Heron Glass
- Ginnie.com's Great Dane Pages home of DaDane of DaWeek.
- The Saga of Gorby - a Chihuahua for the Ages.
- Tombs of the Chihuahua Pharoahs — Neferchichi
- The Truth Contest - Universal Truth of Life (and Death)
- Comic Relief for the Pathologically Philosophical.
- Farewell, Douglas Adams
- Mind Pleasures by Katharena Eiermann.
- The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest for the worst English prose.
- Physics Songs.
- Desiderata
- SETI@home: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence at Home
- The Remedi Project, an online gallery of Flash projects
- Killer Sites — online web design tutorials
- The Postmodernism Generator, a cgi-script that generates Postmodern research papers.
- Cosmic Light, modern physics meets New Age. Enjoy the pretty pictures with a grain of salt.
- If you're scatologically minded, and think VCBC is too tame, see Maledicta, the international journal of verbal aggression. Because insult is gentler than injury.
- If dirt doesn't do it for you, but sex does, try And Adam Knew Eve and other works by Ron Ecker.
- Hyperborea for those who think VCBC is too strange.
- Blue Vista Web Design — They know how to do cost-effective and pretty! They are not responsible for anything that goes on here!
- Home page for Tony Rothman, with articles on Evariste Galois, Sangaku, Madison Avenue, others
- For really odd links see VCBC's Catacombs.
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