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Welcome! This is a sacred place in cyberspace named after a little old dog with cataracts, who barked sideways at strangers, because he couldn't see where they were. We humans relate to God in the same way, making a more or less joyful noise in God's general direction, and expecting a reward for doing so. Hence our creed: We can't be right about everything we
believe. We maintain this site because: There is more to Religion than pleasing your IMAGINARY FRIEND. |
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Welcome to the Virtual Church of the Blind Chihuahua (VCBC)! Come in. Refresh yourself from our bin for donations of canned theology to feed the poor in spirit. Then explore our rooms by using the pull-down menu at the top of every page, the links at the bottom, or our pop-up Search/Site Map. Tell us what you think in our Forum, Mailroom and Blog. More info is in the links at left, the sidebar at right, and the small print below. Click and ye shall find. Other than our Blog, what's New? 08/27 Madness
in their Method — PS |
WARNING: The Surgeon-General of the United Federation of Planets has determined that consumption of VCBC by Fundamentalists may be hazardous to their Weltanschauung. | ||||
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conservative critique: "Here's a guy who has baptized libertinism and skepticism, and wants to call it faith." |
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