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Blind Chihuahua


More to religion
than pleasing
your imaginary friend

Dear God,Frodo

As the mother of Moses laid him in the reeds at the River’s edge, entrusting him wholly to your care because she could no longer keep him safe, so we lay Frodo in this abandoned ground squirrel hole. Keep him safe in your love until we come, and give us Grace to come when you call us, as Frodo came when we called him. Forgive us those times when we did not love your pet as you would have us do, and accept our thanks for your having given him to us for his time on earth. We thank you for his boundless enthusiasm, his energy, his joy, his sweetness, his cuteness, his acute survival instincts, and even his occasional silliness. We thank you also for the neighbors who brought him to us, the compassionate veterinarians and staff who came to love him as they helped us care for him, the human and canine friends who cheered him as he cheered them, and all the creatures he loved to chase and dig for. We leave his mortal remains here among the ground squirrels he loved so much.

Ah, that remarkable blue tongue.

Frodo was a Dachshund-Chow cross. He could turn a ground squirrel burrow into a trench at 6 feet per minute, even in hard soils.